Kenney Game Jam 2017

My entry for the Kenney Game Jam 2017 is now live on The theme was titled “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” and it must make use of Kenney assets, which are extremely high quality. My game was named “Crappy Pirates”, with the bug being that the ship can’t turn left.

I built it over the weekend using the Phaser game engine again, bootstrapping with the Phaser Starter open source project I set up previously. Development was fairly straightforward as I’ve become more familiar with the engine due to the previous jams I’d participated in. I even managed to use some of the trigonometry I’d learnt with the OpenGL tinkering I’d been doing over the past couple of weeks.

With Phaser, I find myself scrambling around the docs and learning the engine, rather than learning more meaningful development stuff. For my next dive into game development, I’d like to do the game programming myself, and use Pixi Js for the graphics rendering (Phaser uses an old, modified version under the hood) or do the rendering myself directly with WebGL.

The game is open source again. You can see the source here:

You can play Crappy Pirates here: